Another Lame Mid-summer Blog Post (But with great pictures!)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Can you believe it’s the end of July already? I mean, how does that even happen? It’s the beginning of June, and then wham! it’s the end of July, and all of a sudden we’re looking at fall and the start of the school term. Not that I’m in school. I wish I were. I love school. Someday I’ll go back for my master’s in I don’t know what!

But two of my siblings go back to school. Which is sad. Also, I had a friend here for a week and now she’s gone.

And somehow my summer has slipped almost all the way away without my even entering in one horse show. I’m still not entered in one. But I hope to.

And have I told you how fat my mare is? My farrier asked me if she was 7 months pregnant. Sigh. My summer has been way too busy.

Would you like to know what I’ve been up to? Especially since I’ve only posted lame blogs like book reviews and other people’s blogs lately? My apologies, for this is, indeed, another lame blog.

One of these days I’ll get back to the sequel of “What to Do with your Edited Manuscript.” I know you’re waiting for it. Trust me: I am, too.

Back to my fat mare. This is what happens when you don’t have an arena, and it’s been either 100 degrees Fahrenheit outside or it has just rained two inches. Goodbye June. No riding, no giving riding lessons.

As for July, well, I had the honor of being a camp counselor for Newday Midwest for a week! Except for the most itchy, painful chiggers I have ever had, the week was great! I got to lead a wonderful group of teenage girls and see Jesus impact their hearts.

Also, I’m in love with cypress trees. They were everywhere at camp.

Cypress tree in lake

Cypress trees at the edge of the lake

During my time away as a camp counselor, my Colorado friend A.R. Geiger and the author of The Birdwoman and now her new book Of Mice and Fairies used my room so she could attend Realm Makers here in St. Louis. The following week, when I got back we explored some of Missouri’s Missouri-ness that she wanted to experience. Her top three things she wanted to do were visit the zoo, canoe on a river, and see a cave.

Flamingos in the water at the St. Louis Zoo     Giraffe at the St. Louis Zoo

River with trees hanging over it.
Bourbeuse River, Union, MO.
Lily pad room
Onondaga Cave

We also went to a local spring to see the fairies. They were shy, though.

Spring with greenery beneath water level.

Spring peeking from behind pawpaw tree.

She loved them all.

I think Missouri is such a neat state. I love it here. But I don’t think I won her over for moving here. I tried. But I think she said something about the humidity. I’m not sure. I didn’t really understand.

In my free time, which I haven’t had, I’ve been training myself on Scrivener for a book I’m working on for my wonderful, sweet, fun-loving, Jesus-loving grandmother. I’ll post about the book once it’s complete. I’m really excited about it.

I’ve only ever really used Microsoft Word for word processing, so Scrivener is quite a learning curve. I am appreciating the immense capabilities. It is quite powerful, and I can’t wait to fully understand the software. But for now, I’m learning. Slowly. Very slowly.

Do you use Scrivener? Do you love it? Please give me any advice you have in the comments!

Scrivener icon

My family got a new puppy this summer since our old infamous but wonderful Nicki passed away. Our new puppy’s name is Piper. However, she has already earned two nicknames even though she’s barely 12 weeks old. Do you want to know them?

Tornado Puppy.


Can you imagine why?

She looks cute. I tell myself she will be cute.


Puppy on sleeping bag
This is Piper after I got back from camp. She’s lying on my shirt. I think she missed me.

Currently, I’m getting ready to leave for one of two baby showers for friends this weekend. And I just cleaned my place for a housewarming. No, not my own housewarming. I’m currently living in the upstairs of my sister and brother-in-law’s new place. I moved in about a month ago. And moved twice in the last four months. That’s two times too many!

I am so very grateful for finally having a semi-permanent place to relax, though. It’s been a long time coming. My plants are in place, and more importantly, my books are in place (though many line the floorboards).

Books lining the floor

My plans for the future include getting a female betta and naming her Antigone to accentuate my living space with a live animal. I currently only have my sweet plush Tric and Steggy. They like to cause a moderate amount of trouble, but I think they’ll like Antigone even though she’ll have to keep them in line.

Tric and Steggy

My last betta’s name was Electra and I had her for several years. Naming fish after Greek heroes helps them live longer (it’s true!).

I believe this weekend is the end of summer craziness for me. While it’s been fun, I’m definitely ready to take a break! The weather is supposed to be much nicer from here on out, so hopefully I’ll get to spend some time in my new saddle that I just bought yesterday. It’s an old HR that’s been well-used and well-loved, and I’m thrilled to have it after using a Wintec for the last ten years. I haven’t gotten it all fitted and cleaned up yet, but take a look at that breastcollar I bought to go with it. 12 gauge caps instead of bling!?

HR brand saddle owned by Wordbender Editing

The Wintec finally bit the dust with a broken tree about two months ago, and I’ve been trail riding in my English saddle that barely fits my fat, fat mare right now. She’s so fat that bareback is hardly an option. That Wintec will be officially retired unless it is needed for swimming the horses. Which my mare loves so much that she tried to convince Abby it was a good idea. Abby got a little wetter than she was anticipating, I think.

Woman on horse in lake.

While Abby was here my parents were in Alaska taking a long-deserved cruise. During that time, I made sure to be at the farm to help check on the critters when my siblings weren’t there. On one hand, there’s Tornado Puppy and the desperate need for rain. But on the other hand? Sunsets.

Sunset at the farm

Time at the farm is never time wasted.

How has your summer been?

Creek with birch tree hanging over it and a fallen log over it.


Bethany Swoboda is a freelance editor for Wordbender Books. She has always loved reading, reading, reading, and enjoys helping authors polish and develop their manuscripts. Some of her many hobbies are horseback riding, bouldering, helping work her family’s farm, playing piano, crocheting, and volunteering at her church. She has a BA in creative writing and a minor in professional writing from Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri.



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